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<title>Information for ACACA00379</title>
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content="For ACACA00379 OMA stores the following information about the gene/protein.">
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const {createApp} = Vue
window.search_token_vue_search_nav = createApp({
data() {
return {
tokens: [], //{query: 'HUMAN', single_term: true, prefix: "Species", type: "Taxon"}
prefixes: {
'Protein': ['proteinid','xref','go','ec','description','domain','sequence'],
'Taxon': ['species','taxid', 'taxon'],
'HOG': ['hog','sequence'],
'OMA_Group': ['og', 'fingerprint','sequence'],
default_prefix : 'description',
show_error: false,
error_message : " Error.",
post_query_search_nav: '',
multiline: false,
wild_card: 'sequence',
placeholder: ' "Blue-light photoreceptor" | proteinid:P53_RAT | species:"Drosophila melanogaster" ', //'P53_RAT | Insulin | species:HUMAN | "auxin response factor"',
placeholder_default: 'proteinid:P53_RAT | "Blue-light photoreceptor" | species:"Drosophila melanogaster" ' //'P53_RAT | Insulin | species:HUMAN | "auxin response factor"',
compilerOptions: {
delimiters: ["$[", "]$"]
methods: {
let lp = [].concat(...Object.values(this.prefixes));
if (lowercase){
lp = => {return element.toLowerCase();});
return lp
return => this.get_type_prefix(x.prefix));
for (var key in this.prefixes) {
if (this.prefixes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (this.prefixes[key].includes(prefix.toLowerCase())){
return key
return null
addToken(event) {
let val =;
if (val.length === 0 && this.tokens.length > 0){
// wanted to auto search if press and empty + token but post request miss post_query data
else {
var sinle_term = val[0] !== '"';
var multi_term_closed = (val.length > 1 && val[val.length - 1] === '"')
var has_prefix = val.includes(':')
var prefix_end = val[val.length - 1] === ':'
var p = has_prefix ? val.split(':')[0].toLowerCase() : this.default_prefix;
// If prefix but not valid
if (has_prefix && !this.get_list_prefixes(true).includes(p.toLowerCase())) {
this.show_error = true;
this.error_message = "Error: Incorrect prefix."
} else {
this.show_error = false;
// If something typed
if (val.length > 0) {
// Multiple word query
if (!sinle_term) {
// STOP if multiple not closed
if (!multi_term_closed) {
if (event.code === "Space") { = val + ' '
// STOP if the prefix is fine and we are at :
if (prefix_end) {
// has a prefix
if (has_prefix) {
var tmp = val.split(':')[1].trim()
sinle_term = tmp[0] !== '"';
multi_term_closed = (val.length > 1 && tmp[tmp.length - 1] === '"')
// multiple term
if (!sinle_term) {
// STOP if not closed
if (!multi_term_closed) {
if (event.code === "Space") { = val + ' '
val = tmp
if (this.validate_token(val.replaceAll('"', ''), sinle_term, p)) {
val = val.replaceAll('"', '')
query: val,
[Trailing bodies are truncated]